Author Archives: Rosalind Theriot

Texas Pride Notification Enrollment

Texas Pride Disposal provides a service notification system to all of their customers.  This system can be used to stay informed if Texas Pride Disposal anticipates a delay in service for any reason, including mechanical issues, labor shortage, crew emergency, severe weather event, or holiday interruption.  To enroll, please visit and simply provide an email and include Harris County MUD 286 in the ‘MUD DISTRICT OR CITY’ selection.

Water testing hangers are NOT affiliated with MUD 286

You may have recently received a door hangers requesting a water sample from your home.  Please note that these door hangers are NOT from EDP or MUD 286, but rather a private water filtration company which has NO affiliation with MUD 286.  There is no concern with the water quality.  EDP regularly conducts testing on our water supply to ensure its quality and safety standards are met.